Bibleland Kids | Coin Bank Service Project


Bibleland Kids 2024 Service Project - Encouraging Young Givers

Local Partner: Towne Twin Village

Towne Twin Village is a permanent supportive housing community for the most marginalized and vulnerable individuals in the San Antonio region. With over 2,900 single individuals experiencing chronic homelessness on the streets of San Antonio, Towne Twin Village aims to serve members of our community who are most vulnerable: the elderly and disabled. Towne Twin Village is a safe, secure, beautiful, and welcoming campus featuring 200+ affordable housing units in a caring community environment where residents can thrive.

Project: Bring "new life" to old homes

As residents of Towne Twin Village transition out of the community, their old houses are in need of a makeover. Our goal is to raise funds that will be used to bring new life to these houses so they can become beautiful homes for someone else. Funds will be used to purchase home repair items such as sheetrock, paint, flooring, and windows. We'll also use funds to refurnish the inside as needed, and restock a supply of new towels, bedding, dishes, pots, and pans. 

Practice Radical Generosity 

Oak Hills Church has six values that inform how we live as we follow Jesus and engage people with the hope of Jesus. One of our values is Radical Generosity: Everything we are and everything we have is devoted to serving God and serving others. Scripture points us to the following principles to model as we cultivate the practice of giving: 

  • Give Cheerfully: God takes delight in those who love to give. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV 
  • Give Generously: Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17 ESV 
  • Give Sacrificially: For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord... 2 Corinthians 8:3 NASB 

Generosity Bank 

Save: Use this bank to save money and give toward bringing new life to a Towne Twin Village home. The cost to refresh one house is $5000. Our goal is to raise funds to completely refresh one home for a new resident.

Give: Return your Generosity Bank to Bibleland Kids on Giving Sunday: Sunday, November 24 

Information Account
Weekly: Sundays at 12:00 AM
Oct 13, 2024 - Nov 24, 2024
Bibleland Wings
Kids save coins and return them on Giving Sunday, November 24.
Contact Class / Event Host